
"The Internet for Everyone"

About Us

When the Internet began to grow, many people tried desperately to get their "little corner of the web". All the rave was to rush out and buy a domain. A domain that would ensure your success, and multi-million dollar paychecks.

"If you build it, they will come!" and come they did. In droves, money flew from website to website, new words, and phrases were invented everyday. Unfortunately, it comes as goes even quicker than it comes. "They came, they bought, they bailed" .com had now turned into .bomb. Bankrupcy court was busier than it ever had been.

Now the companies that have survived on the internet had had to do so smartly. Founded in 1997, GEM Associates HAS endured the .bomb stage, and survived, only to come out bigger and better than ever.


PO Box 4032, Shrewsbury MA 01545, Phone: 508-756-1222 Fax: 508-756-9942 Email:

© Copyright 2003 GEM Associates